Circular Economy, Furniture

Circular Economy: Everything You Need To Know


When handling and using workplace furniture and materials, following the principles of a circular economy is the way to go. Unlike the old linear model of take-make-waste, this model emphasizes the importance of a regenerative process. Applying these to your business process, like recycling home and office furniture here in the UK will benefit your business and the economy in general. But before anything else, here are things you need to know about this concept.


What is a circular economy?

A circular economy is defined as a restorative and regenerative economy. This type of concept is based on reducing waste and pollution, using and reusing products and materials, and using renewable sources of energy.

Regarding reducing waste and pollution, this refers to designing out the harmful impact to the economy in the production process. Specifically, this would entail removing the ones that cause damage to physical health and natural systems. Applying these practices reduces the waste and pollution produced, which lessens the harm done to both the people and the environment.

The second principle (using and reusing products and materials) refers to designing products that highlight durability, reusability, and recyclability. This allows these items to continue cycling through the economy instead of eventually turning into waste.

The final principle, which is making use of renewable energy sources, emphasizes the push to preserve and enhance said sources for the sake of regeneration. This continues the cyclical process of use and reuses to help reduce waste.


What are the benefits of a circular economy?

Following the circular economy, the model has various benefits, specifically in the economic and environmental sectors. Understanding how these are advantageous to these two sectors will encourage more entities – people and businesses alike – to do the same.

Economically, this model would encourage growth while also removing the depletion of finite resources. As the concept focuses on regeneration, the same materials will cycle through the economy and back without sacrificing the growth that comes with it. Lower production costs will also be a huge benefit when applying this model. Lastly, this will breed new jobs and spark innovation, which would lead to a more developed society in the long term.

The environmental advantage is remarkable. Because less organic waste is produced and sent to landfills, greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide emissions will be fewer. These benefits would have positive effects on the environment.


How can businesses participate in a circular economy?

While it may seem like this is too much work, and small efforts won’t do much, businesses can participate in a circular economy in simple ways. An excellent place to start is through the simple act of managing their office furniture better. Rather than have your old office materials thrown out to landfills where they will add to the waste, why not just reuse and refurbish

At Corporate Spec, we believe in a circular economy and actively participate by helping refurbish and recycle home and office furniture in the UK. Partner with us, and your business can help in the circular economy! You can also order recycled office furniture online through our website to further encourage regeneration and reuse. Contact us now for more information.

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